Carlos Leal makes an overview of the Summer and a perspective for the future to Boa Cama Boa Mesa

Carlos Leal no Pine Cliffs Resort

Boa Cama Boa Mesa, from Expresso journal, created a cycle of fast interviews to personalities from tourism, hotel business, restaurants and animation sectors in Portugal. Segunda Vaga (“Second Wave” on a free translation) is the title of these rubrics that have the goal to make an overview of the Summer and a perspective of the near future of each sector, taking into consideration the consequences of the pandemic caused by Covid-19.

In the interview, Carlos Leal, UIP’s General Manager, makes an overview of the challenging Summer for Pine Cliffs Resort and Sheraton Cascais Resort, defending that the hotel business should have “a specific lay-off adapted to the regions, once that not all have the same behaviour and seasonality”.

Along the article, the group’s administrator justifies the delays suffered at YOTEL Porto and Hyatt Regency Lisboa projects and refers the positive results at Quinta Marques Gomes, finishing his opinion about what could be a supporting measure to the sector. Read the full article here (in Portuguese).